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Day 7, 8, 9



Well that was a rather busy three days. As you may have noticed by the lack of posts. Hopefully that won't happen too often but real life doesn't allow for me to sit down and write about it. At least not without sacrificing sleep and sleep comes first (even before writing about sleep).

So lets get all caught up, shall we?

Friday I had a photo shoot in the early afternoon so I only had a cup of broth, a few carrots and not much else until I got home late that evening and scarfed down a couple of cans of tuna with olive oil and salt and pepper and went straight to bed. The photo shoot was right on the Fraser in a park called Derby Reach near where I grew up and it was epically foggy. Super fun and kept my mind off of food pretty effectively for most of the day.

Saturday I also didn't eat until the afternoon. I had a couple of slices of pork roast with mustard and a cup of bone broth around 4:00 P.M. I had company for dinner so I baked a honey glazed salmon with lemon wedges and dill and then sweet potato and apples roasted together with more honey and coconut oil and cinnamon and then finally sweet potato vermicelli with scallops simmered in pork broth. Seriously tasty for me and even my non-Paleo dinner guest seemed pleased.

And finally, back to the present. Today. Sunday. I overate last night and slept in so I more or less just grazed on leftovers all evening. Currently drinking a cup of green tea and that will pretty well round out my intake for the day.

Acceptable, all things considered. I'm not sure how I ever thought I could have just eaten soup for a week. I should have known better. I'm just not that motivated and, as previously mentioned, my willpower is horrendous. Maybe more importantly, as one of my friends pointed out, I've given up a lot of vices and guilty pleasures in the last six weeks; it's best not to overreach and tumble backwards into a bottomless pit of vodka bottles, cigarettes and sourdough grilled cheese sandwiches smothered in ketchup with thin sliced dill pickles and a side of crispy, golden brown french fr…

Right. Alright. Everything is alright. Deep breath. Moving on.

So to that effect. I'm going to keep this up until we hit day 14. At which point I'm going to do my first 'addition'. Egg yolks. I'm really hoping that goes well as egg yolks over easy on pork chops or trout is far and away my favourite quick Paleo meal. Not to mention what an improvement tuna with Paleo mayo is over olive oil.

If it does go well I'll probably try onions and some other medium-FODMAP vegetation the week after that. I'm thinking of cabbage specifically as I'm planning on make my own sauerkraut in the not too distant future.

I'm incredibly tempted to try adding red wine sooner rather than later but I just instinctivley don't feel like that's a wise idea at the moment because I have trouble just having 'a glass' of wine. Unless that glass is a mixing bowl.

On the 'how I feel' front I'd say despite less sleep, more stress and no working out the last three days I continue to feel better, or at least not any bad days or noticeable steps backward which is pretty amazing. One of the most frustrating things about Crohn's is the total lack of predictability so to continuously be trending in one direction is very significant, even if it's only for a week.

Time to take my LDN and rest up for a long day of editing foggy photos. Until next time.


And on Repeat today:


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